Currently this list stands at over 900 books, both ebook and physical books. I can't seem to stop finding interesting new books, intriguing authors or just seeing a pretty cover I want to own (what? don't judge me).
However, I have managed to pare this list down into Low, Middle and High desire to read so I won't go crazy from the pressure of so many books hanging over my head, wanting to be read. So far this year I've read (and reread) 56 books. My goal for the year is 120, and so far I'm 15% ahead of where I need to be at this time of the year. Last year I read 111 books for a total of 51, 199 pages in 2010. So currently, it will take me over 9 years to finish the Want-to-Read pile I've accumulated. Does that deter me? Not at all - I added a new book, Furies of Calderon by Dresden series author Jim Butcher, just this morning. See? A book addict in the best sense of the word.
The point of all this is just that, books. I love them, review them, rant about them, protect them like my future children. If you love a good book, and love to talk about them, this is the place!

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Don't feel bad about your TBR pile. I have a friend with over 10000 books in her TBR pile. I don't have much of one myself but only because I read them as fast as I add them. I'm at 92 for the year averaging around 500 pages so at least you're among friends ;). Looking forward to your fantasy reviews! Be sure to post them on goodreads as well