Blog Watch Wednesday

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Reviews Posted:

Hounded by Kevin Hearne - 3/5 stars - PNR/UF

The Red Chamber by Pauline A. Chen - 4.5/5 stars - historical fiction, retelling

The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver - 3/5 stars - young adult, supernatural fiction

Fun Stuff:

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (ridiculous name, btw) has an official release date: November 22, 2012 

The New Yorker has two pieces written by Ray Bradbury, which are now unlocked for all readers.

The first chapter of the forthcoming The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls is online for a free preview!

There is a Swiss website that lets you hike the Alps virtually! (Not that Tamae up there would ever deign to use it..)

This "Jane Austen is My Homegirl" rap is creative and really quite amusing.

These are some pretty awesome and detailed blogging stats gathered from those that attended BEA last week. 82% read and review YA! Wowza.

Check out this really awesome flowchart showing the connections in Steven King's universes.

Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki from the Avengers, is basically made of awesome. Not only does he rap, he does impressions! Including: Alan Rickman, Owen Wilson, the velociraptors in Jurassic Park, Chris Evans, Orson Welles, Samuel L. Jackson, and a horse. As someone who has also been known to give impressions of velociraptors, I can't really articulate how happy this made me.

20 Freakish Creatures from the Depths of Russia's White Sea. Between the White Sea and Lake Baikal, Russia truly has some crazy aquatic life.

Adorable stray dog runs over 1700 km, across China!, with cyclists who fed her once. She's so little! And the cars in the video make me nervous for her, ha!

The 22 rules of storytelling, according to Pixar

A documentory on deceased Starz' actor Andy Whitfield needs some cash to get funded. Check out their Kickstarter campaign.

The best commencement speeches of 2012 - Steve Carrel, Jane Lynch, Neil Gaiman, etc.

What if Inception and 300 were made of legos? The answer to the question that no one was asking.

The first images of vampire child Renesme Cullen have arrived. Poor child has a horrible name.

Indie publisher Smashwords: 127,000 titles and $12m revenue this year.

A montage of runway models falling on their asses, to make your day better. 

A ticklish penguin to make your day great.

Game of Thrones House sigils for other famous TV families. The Swanson and House ones are my favorites, I think.

Some pretty fantastic Game of Thrones art. Some upcoming spoilers so beware!

This spoiler-filled map tracks the many journeys of the characters in Game of Thrones.

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