It's almost halfway through 2015! I know it's the beginnig of May, but I'm that person that likes to round up. May is going to be a rough month. It's BEA -- and I won't be going. As much as I would like to live it up in NYC for the second year... I am getting married in a few months. However, 2016 is going to be in Chicago and I AM already planning on how to make that happen. That said, I cannot wait for the pics and hauls and stories everyone will have. I can live vicariously through you all!
That said, I do have a few reads already lined up to distract myself from my lack og being-at-BEAness:
Black Iris by Leah Raeder.
I've never read Leah Raeder's actual novels but there are a few quotes floating around on Twitter and GR that make me desperate to do so. I'm actually participating in a group discussion of this novel with the ladies of Great Imaginations. I cannot wait and you should definitely see what these smart women think of this book later this month!
Love is Red by Sophie Jaff.
Synesthesia and serial killers? Mystery in NYC with supernatural elements tied in as well? This could either go so wrong so right. All I know is that I am more than willing to try!
Are we friends on instagram? Because we totally should be! I'm starting to be more active on there and it's quite fun. I post way too much pictures of books and my dogs, but you guys are cool with that, right??

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