Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books You'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Money. I don't have enough of it. Every trip to B&N ends in a Sophie's Choice, complete with tears, as my husband wrestles hundreds of dollars in hardcovers out of my grasping hands. "But whyyyy," I wail as he puts the $600 molecular gastronomy cookbook set back. "I just wanted to hold it for a little longer!" Not today, Satan. Today is TTT. Today I have book genies and a fully loaded gift card and these 10 books, including a cookbook set that costs twice my monthly utilities.

10. Juniper Books Custom Ravenclaw Harry Potter set by J.K. Rowling

I'm aware that it's not official. I understand they're literally just the hardcovers I already own in a fan wrap and the trunk is cardboard and it won't make me a wizard. My Harry Potter collecting heart needs these. Needs them. And now Juniper is offering The Cursed Child in a matching wrap so that it fits the rest of the series and I swear to god, why didn't my daddy invest in Microsoft when he had the chance? *weeping*

9. Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales by Ray Bradbury

Last Christmas, I finally got my extremely coveted (and hideous) copy of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. So, being the human I am, I can now set my sights on its 2003 follow up. Because 200 short stories is better than 100.

8 - 7.  Song of the Lioness Quartet and The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Piece 

Tamora Pierce, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height of these gorgeous box set editions.

6. The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley

So Jess called the third in this series the best book of 2016, and I'm still back in 2014, not reading book 2. There's no reason except they're long and $10 whoooole dollars for the Kindle edition. I should get on that, before she kicks me off this blog.

5. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

It seems kind of cool right now to hate on Maas and her books, but idgaf. Throne of Glass is my number one fandom and I liked ACoTaR a lot, though the end wasn't my favorite. How do I not already own ACoMaF? 

4. Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series is my ultimate comfort reading material and I was so excited when I saw she'd decided to continue with another branch of the sprawling family. Because I read romances so quickly, I mostly borrow them from the library. Except my library still hasn't ordered this! So I need to bite the bullet.

3. Calamity by Brandon Sanderson

No list of my purchasing fails is complete without highlighting how far behind I am on my Sanderson duties. I do have all the Mistborns, including Secret History, so it's not quite as bad as it appears, but a Sanderson out for five months and not purchased? Maybe I have a disease.

2. Once Upon A Marquess by Courtney Milan

Another autobuy author, another purchase I just...haven't made.

1. Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking by Nathan Myhvoid, Chris Young, Masxime Bilet

You think this is a game? Six volumes. 2,400 pages. $600.00. The ultimate fusion of art and science. Cooking and history. No, I can't afford it. I can't afford the ~ $10k in equipment to achieve perfect spheriphcation. But oh how I want it. I want to stroke it. I want to display it. Just imagine it, between The Geometry of Pasta by Caz Hildebrand and Jacob Kenedy and The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe by Theodore Gray. Perfection.


  1. First OMG how did I not think of adding in the special editions????? I am such a failure and yes Ravenclaw is my house too! My Top Ten

  2. I got my copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book today.
    I brought it on Amazon and I got it in just 2 days!
    Check them out:
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


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