2018 Blogging Resolutions

Monday, January 1, 2018

Hello again! 2017 was an interesting year for us at APR. We had some months that it was very easy to create content and interact in the community... and we definitely had months where we struggled. I think we did pretty well holding it all together; we're going on the better part of a decade so I would hope we have some kinda handle on this hobby. Each year is a new try and I have hopes that 2018 will be a successful year for both Dani and me.

1. Comment more!

For the first half of last year we had had a pretty good comments section activity. A few dedicated and amazing souls popped in and had discussions and laughs on most of our posts. I worked at reciprocity -- which wasn't hard since they have fab blogs -- but then I had a personal life fail about halfway through the year and just.. lacked the bandwith to really interact with people, even on a textual level. Well... I'm slowly finding my way back to myself and that means I am once again ready to people amongst you.

2. Find new blogs to follow

This ties in with the first -- I want to find some new voices. I dearly love the blogs I frequent and the friends I have.... but I also recognize it's been a minute since I've added to the perspectives I listen to. It's more than time to seek out the POV and reviews of some new bloggers.

3. Review Archive Up-to-Date

Dani and I implemented the Review Archive in 2016. As of January in 2018, it is still woefully behind the times. I recently added about four months' worth of reviews... which got us current all the way up to December of 2014. So that's a goal for 2018 -- that when I write a review it's immediately entered into the archive and b.) the archive is completely current.

4. Cross-Post Old and New Reviews

This extends to from Amazon to Barnes & Noble to NetGalley and edelweiss. For a while last year I was still writing my impressions of books I had read but not sending them in. So I have a bit of a backlog to organize, edit, expand, and post. And then send into various outlets that should receive said reviews.

5. Have Fun & Feel No Guilt

This is a hobby. I need to work on remembering that, sometimes. There's no need for pressure and recrimination over something supposed to be done for enjoyment.

What about you? Any plans for blogging? Reading? Life in general for 2018?

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