Book Haul: January

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
 So far into 2016, I am doing pretty well on book buying this year. "Pretty well" meaning that I am holding myself somewhat in check. I've only bought three books, one of which was a kindle deal for only $.99. I have been lucky enough to get some pretty new ARCs as well.... including a few I am suuuuper excited for.


Rebel Queen by Michelle Moran
Moran is very hit (Cleopatra's Daughter and The Heretic Queen) or miss (Nefertiti and Madame Tussaud) with me, but I cannot resist Queen Lakshmi and India in 1800s.

The Belgariad Volume 1 aka
Pawn of Prophecy
Queen of Sorcery
Magician's Gambit

and The Belgariad Volume 2 aka
Castle of Wizardry 
Enchanter's Endgame

So these are some pretty old fantasy books. I grew up reading them and I honestly haven't cracked an Eddings novel in at least 10 years. However, last year I read a few old fantasy favorites (Shannara! Wheel of Time halfway!) and it made me want to revisit this series. I don't think the plots are all that original (Garion is literally a farmboy chosen one) but the characters were always what made me love them.


So for my last book haul, Harper had dropped a loooot of titles on edelweiss. They had a another, little mini drop and from that I grabbed a few titles. I also downloaded a few NetGalley reads.

Lilac Girls by Martha Jall Kelly -- This one I do not know too much about except I was invited to read it and it's a historical mystery set in WW11.

Proposal by Meg Cabot (Mediator #6.5) - short little novella set between the YA books and the new adult continuation. I'm on the blog tour!!! for Remembrance so this should be a fun reintroduction.

In the Shadow of the Gods by Rachel Dunne (Bound Gods #1) -- I love fantasies that include a struggle with gods or powers with secrets aaaand that's pretty much what this seems to be entirely. Grabby hands indeed.

The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt -- I hadn't thought too much about this -- and had passed it over in my earlier Harper download-athon, but reviews are coming in and it sounds adorable.

Thorn by Intisar Khanani (bought) -- the cover drew me to this one aaages ago. Basically this is about a princess that switches identities plus maaagic. Yes. I also really hope this is set in a non-European inspired world.

Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate -- seven deadly sins plus YA plus diversity? This had somehow missed my radar until the lovely Dahlia Adler started talking it up. Thanks, Dahlia!

Kingfisher by Patricia McKillip -- veteran author coming out with a fantasy full of powerful sorceresses and tangled family issues. So basically Jessiebait.

When We Collided by Emery Lord -- Emery Lord is a magical being and her contemporaries always hit the spot. I've loved each new one more than the last and she is fast becoming an autobuy author.
Ravenous by MarcyKate Connolly -- I read and loved the author's debut Monstrous last year so this was a no brainer when the sequel popped up on edelweiss. I don't read a lot of MG anymore but the first book was lovely and weird and different.

Kingdom of Ashes by Rhiannon Thomas -- though this is a surprise sequel, I liked A Wicked Thing quite a bit and do think that this story could be successfully expanded into two novels.

Down With the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn -- this seems like an extended, creepy version of "be careful what you wish for" and KKQ is just the author to pull off such a premise.

Risuko by David Kudler (Seasons of the Sword #1) -- this is one I was drawn to because of the cover.

Can you blame me?

Anything new on your shelves from the first two weeks of 2016??


  1. Oh yay, I'm psyched you're gonna read SEVEN WAYS WE LIE - hope you like! And I'm definitely also excited for THE DISTANCE FROM A TO Z; it sounds like exactly the kind of book I love and can never find enough of!

    1. I'm very excited for it. Your recs have never steered me to a bad book so I have faith :D

  2. Rebel Queen is such a gorgeous cover! It's hard when an author's books are so split like that, whether you'll love or hate the new one. I haven't tried them myself. I bought The Distance From A to Z, it wasn't on my radar much but everyone seems to love it and it sounds so cute! Hope we both like it too :)

    1. There are three covers for this one that I have seen and the one I got is my faaavorite. Moran gets lovely covers, though.

      Ha -- love the power of blogger twitter! It's definitely what put that one on my radar :)


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