Top Ten Authors I've Met

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is all thanks to The Broke and the Bookish! This lovely header is thanks to APR's own Dani.

1. Laini Taylor -- thank you BEA16! I was a useless mess but I am super happy I got to meet her.
2. Leigh Bardugo -- at a blogger meet up, I got to discuss the awesomeness of our shared name and my hometown while drinking.
3. Marissa Meyer -- at the same blogger meet up, Marissa Meyer dropped by my table with Bekka and just chilled for a while. She's so nice!
4. Lauren Beukes - at BEA14, I was at the last of her signing line so I got to chat with her a little about her books.
5. Ryan Graudin -- BEA14 - another signing line so this was a quick meet but she made me very curious about her books.

6. Jay Kristoff - BEA16, again! He was easy to spot at least.
7. Sabaa Tahir -- this was a flyby as I was the SUPER LAST in her Torch line but very friendly and sad she ran out of books for everyone else.
8. Sharon Cameron -- one of my fellow Lady Knights had a meetup with this author in our hotel bar and we all hung out and drank... until jet lag claimed us.
9. Caleb Roehrig -- super funny and friendly at the Leigh/Marissa meet up!
10. Eoin Colfer -- he trolled me and Morgan and I am still not recovered.


  1. Wow, that's such an awesome list! I've only officially met one author (Richard Kadrey) but I was in the same room, breathing the same air, as Stephen King so I count that. lol

    1. ha, well, BEA makes it easy. I've never been to an author event or signing because I don't drive and my anxiety makes me back out lol.
      And that TOTALLY COUNTS.

  2. WOW!! You have met so many! Go you! That's awesome! I feel like I'm too awkward to meet authors I admire. lol! I also have a ridiculous fear that a famous person that I really like will let me down when I meet them. I hear so many horror stories about celebrities being mean to their fans, and I'm afraid that will happen. lol Basically, I'm a crazy person. LOL

    1. well that's only because I have gone to BEA two years. If I had not, my total would be.... zero. And I get that hesitation -- it's why I don't follow a lot of authors on twitter, etc. I don't want to find out they are terrible people! lol.

    2. haha at least I'm not the only one then!


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