Hello 2012! New Changes on the Horizon!

Sunday, January 1, 2012
I've run [.bibliophile. .anonymous.] by myself since its birth in late April of 2011. Born out of a need to share my opinion when not asked about the inanimate things I love most in the world (books), it's been quite an experience. I've loved every minute and have had great fun rambling on and digressing egregiously while judging without shame, but change is good they say - and change is coming. I've decided to do several different things going forward with this book review blog thing for 2012.

First: a name change. 

I really liked (and still do like) my original name for this blog, as it is a small blog in a e-world of millions. I'm a small fish, pretty unknown and I know it; however, bibliophile anonymous is indicative of one person and that is no longer the case... (more to follow on that!) So from here on out, this blog is now:

Ageless Pages Book Reviews -
Because Good Books Never Get Old

Second and most excitingly: I've added a book review contributor.

I've known April for a loooong time on the internet. We met on a now-defunct fantasy book website devoted to Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series back in 2005/6ish (RIP wotmania!) April reads several genres that I enjoy (fantasy, science fiction) as well as a whole slew of others I don't nearly read as much.  I truly think her input will provide a fantastic new perspective on some previously neglected types of literature on this blog. Her reviews will denoted by a "reviewed by April" tag on the bottom of her posts, as will mine have "reviewed by Jessie" to keep them easily separate. Most reviews will usually be mine, but keep an eye out for hers! I hope you enjoy her reviews and thoughts on novels as much as I do.


  1. I am so excited to be here, Jessie!! I hope that this year ends up being as good a reading year as last year was!!

  2. So glad to have you! I hope you enjoy blogging as much as me - it gets addicting and time-consuming!

  3. been out of the blogosphere, panicked when my link to bibliophile didn't work. Glad to see it's just a name change. :)


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